Richards Reflections

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Quick update

I just talked to the nurse and my Egg Retrieval will take place at 6:45 on Thursday morning. Please pray that the eggs have matured and they will be able to get as many as possible. Also remember to keep the Doctor and all the staff that will be working on me in your prayers. Pray that they will be able to do their job to the best of their ability. Also pray that I do not have hyperstimulation. Which I should clarify I had all wrong. It seems it is fluid that leaks into the abdomen and lungs. Yeah.....NOT GOOD!!! My Estrogen is over 55oo today therefore I am only having to take my trigger shot tonight. No shots in the belly but a big one in the rear. I have to get that shot at exactly 7:30 pm. I will be heading over to Lori and Adam's about 7:00 so I can get good and iced beforehand. I'm so not looking forward to this, but I WILL be ok.

Thanks for the prayers!!!


Anonymous said...

Well, tomorrow is the BIG day. Your Dad and I have been fervently praying for you both. Although Terry seems to be handling things very well, I know under that strong exterior beats a tender heart. Remember how much we love you both! Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...

Hey guys,

Just letting you know that we heard that Em is in the hospital. Please know we are praying for you guys. We love you!

Michele and Gary