Richards Reflections

Monday, June 4, 2007

Not so good........

Last night I was extremely bloated and having hard time catching my breath. So much so that Terry wanted to take me to the ER. I was finally able to get into a position that I could breath a little easier and promised him I would call the doctor this morning. Everytime you call my doctor's office you have to leave a message. So I waited for them to call me back. When they called me back they wanted to see me immediately. I called Terry and he met me at the doctor's office. When they called me back they did an ultrasound to find that I do in fact have Hyperstimulation. I have fluid built up in my abdomen and above my liver. My ovaries are so big that they are squishing my uterus. The nurses stuck with me the whole time I was back in their area. Usually it is go in... wait.....wait.... But not today, they were even checking on my while I was giving my urine sample. I knew that this was not good. They took two viles of blood and said they would call when they got the results. Dr. Schnell told me as I was getting my ultrasound that we may have to do a Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET). NOT what I wanted to hear. But that it depended on my blood results. Well about 5:30 the nurse called and said we are a no go for tomorrow. I am full of emotion right now. I am sad, angry, frustrated, mad, and any other word that you can think of that fits that category. It makes it even worse in the fact that everything has gone so well up until now. I feel like we just slammed into a wall. I have about 5 lbs of fluid in my stomach right now and it does not feel good. So on top of an emotional break down I am also a whale. Apparently all of the fluid in my abdomen can affect whether a transfer works or not. I am trusting in Dr. Schnell right now because she knows best and this was her decision. When she was talking to us today it did sound like she was going to put 2 embryos back, so at least we kinda know that now. Hopefully all of the fluid will drain off within this next month and we will be able to do the FET at that time. I will not have to go through as many shots if any this go round because we already have our eggs. They will be freezing them tomorrow and hopefully Todd will call and let us know how many they will freeze. Please pray that this fluid will go away and I will at least be able to sit and breath comfortably soon. Also pray that our little embryos make it through the cryopreservation (freezing) process. You might wanna keep our emotions in your prayers also. Terry is having just as hard of a time with this as I am. Bless his heart, he had to sit at work and think about this all day.

So hopefully in a month we will finally be able to put those tiny little cells back in my body so that I can grow and protect them. Thank you to all that are praying. Please continue to do so as we need all we can get at this time.


Anonymous said...

Oh Emily and Terry, There are no words to say right now. Please know that you are in my prayers right now. I know this is not where you wanted to be right now. I love you both and hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Most definitely we are praying - haven't stopped since your first blog and won't stop till that precious baby is here.

Take care, get rest, and try not to fret. I know that's the really hard part.

We love ya'll.

Michele and Gary

P.S. I'm so bad at this blogging stuff, I didn't even know I could write a message on your blog. Marcia finally clued me in on that yesterday. Hope I do it right!