Richards Reflections

Monday, June 11, 2007

Fresh Cycle

So I found out today a little bit about where we are going from here. I will restart birth control pills on Wednesday. This will allow my body to "start over" and allow everything to be "fresh". Those are my words and not the words of the medical professionals. I will be on BCP's for about 3 weeks and then will begin (i think) only one shot and some good ole estrogen. The estrogen will not be used with the same drugs as before as they will not be stimulating my ovaries, so this should all be fine. My ovaries are feeling much better. I am thinking they have gone down, I can't feel them from the outside anymore. My fluid has all gone away too, as far as I can tell. YEA....prayers answered. As of now (but always subject to change, as we have found out) our target week is July 23. So it looks like I will be turning 30 without being pregnant but hopefully that will change soon after. We have 10 healthy embryos, which I have found out by talking to others and reading other blogs, is quite amazing. Apparently people don't normally have that many healthy ones. For us, I would say that is a good sign. I should get my "calendar of events" tomorrow from the IVF nurse and I will be able to let ya'll know a little better of a timeline. SOOOOOOOO..........HERE WE GO AGAIN!!!!

BTW, Thank you so much to our family and friends who have left us such sweet and thoughtful comments. It means so much to us to know that we have such an awesome support system!!!! Even if I haven't talked to you personally about this situation, just reading that you are thinking and praying for us gives us that little extra bit of peace. We love and appreciate you all so much!!!!