Richards Reflections

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!

So, I'm 34. How. Did. That. Happen? I know there is no way I'm a day over 22. It's amazing how fast life passes you by. My mom always told me that the older you get the faster life (time) goes. It's certainly not that I didn't believe her. I just had no idea how fast it really went.

Today has been rather unproductive. Bela woke up at about 7:30. Luckily she stayed in bed with me and watched TV for a while. I was not ready to get up. I talked to Mema about 9 and then Bella and I headed downstairs to begin a day of movies and massive laziness. Thank goodness she allows that. She went down for her nap at about 1:30. I showered and then settled in for a nap at about 2. She woke up at 2:30. No nap for Mommy. She usually sleeps for about 2 to 2.5 hours. Not today. That would have been an awesome birthday present. Oh well. Terry came home early and then went to grab us dinner. I'm telling you, I've done little to nothing today and I am completely exhausted! I'll be 37 weeks pregnant tomorrow. I'm really hoping for some more progress. I forgot to mention in my last post that I was having pretty significant contractions yesterday from about 7:30 am til about 2ish. I was very close to calling the doctor but they ended up stopping and well I am still pregnant so it was obviously a false alarm. She sure is moving around alot though. I'm pretty sure she is trying her hardest to get out and come meet us. I know her big sister was really disappointed when she woke up from her nap yesterday and she wasn't here yet. It was actually kinda sad....


On Saturday night we went over to my parents for my birthday dinner. We had chicken strips, mashed potatoes, fried okra, and peas. Chicken strips are a big deal at Mom and Dad's. They soak in seasoned buttermilk for about 3 days. Yummy goodness! Tim, Alyssa, Courtney, and Ryan came as well. Bella was so excited about Mommy's birthday party. I'm pretty sure she walked away a little disappointed. No presents and no cake. Her two favorite birthday things. I got money instead of presents (to go toward our new awesomely big and very clear TV) and Dad made homeade ice cream instead of Mom making a cake. Let me be clear that these things were all fine by me. The little was just confused. When we left she very sweetly waved and said, "Happy Birfday, Everybody!" So sweet of her to include everyone in Mommy's birthday.


Before dinner the kiddos did a little swingin' in the backyard!

Needless to say today (my actual birthday) has been a little less productive. I'm not ashamed, afterall, I am growing a human on this my 34th birthday. :)