Richards Reflections

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

38 weeks

How Far Along: 38 weeks
Size of baby: about 19.5 inches, should be about 6.5 lbs or so
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained about 29 lbs
Maternity Clothes: My fashion so far this summer has been non existent. My comfy cotton shorts that really don't touch me and tank tops are my favorite right now!
Gender: It's a GIRL!
Movement: She is still moving like crazy. She likes to stretch and it is wild to watch when she does that.
Sleep: I have the hardest time falling asleep now. I can not get comfortable for the life of me! Once I do get to sleep, I'm usually good, unless I have to get up to go to the bathroom.
What I miss: Sleeping on my back. Mexican food and milkshakes. Acid reflux is horrible!
Cravings: Chocolate Milkshakes and I can't even have them without paying for it big time!
Symptoms: I am dead tired!
Best Moment this week: I just love feeling her move! Even though she makes me uncomfortable sometimes, feeling her move never gets old.


You can see how tired I am in this picture!

My doctor's appointment this week revealed no change what so ever. BOO!!

Last week I was starting to get sad about not being pregnant anymore, this week I'm so ready to meet our newest girl! I will still miss feeling her move but I'm so ready to hold her and for her to meet her big sister and daddy!