Richards Reflections

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

37 weeks

How Far Along: 37 weeks
Size of baby: about 19 inches, should be about 6 lbs or so
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained about 27 lbs, lost 2 lbs this week.
Maternity Clothes: My fashion so far this summer has been non existent. My comfy cotton shorts that really don't touch me and tank tops are my favorite right now!
Gender: It's a GIRL!
Movement: She is still moving like crazy. She likes to stretch and it is wild to watch when she does that.
Sleep: I have some good nights and some not so good nights. Some nights I am still sleeping all the way throught the night. Others, the bladder gets the best of me.
What I miss: Sleeping on my back. Mexican food and milkshakes. Acid reflux is horrible!
Cravings: Chocolate Milkshakes and I can't even have them without paying for it big time!
Symptoms: I am dead tired!
Best Moment this week: I just love feeling her move! Even though she makes me uncomfortable sometimes, feeling her move never gets old.

I had a doctor's appointment this morning and I am still only dilated 1 cm. But I am starting to efface. Doctor said it's very soft and mushy. Sounds gross but whatever.

Today I have been overwhelmingly tired. Bella and I laid down in my bed for a nap. Something I never let her do but she was scared of the thunder and quite frankly I just wanted to lay down with her. She fell asleep and I just laid there. I think I may have fallen asleep for a few minutes but just laying there with no TV, no phone, no computer, it was nice and refreshing. I have a "little" more energy this afternoon but no much. The doctor's office and a trip to Hobby Lobby can wear a girl out!

I am really starting to mourn pregnancy. I know that may sound totally weird. I just know that this is the last time I will look in the mirror and see life inside me. It's the last time I will FEEL life inside me. As miserable as I am. I will still miss this. Not at first of course because I will have my two girls to keep me busy. But I know it will happen, where I long to feel those feelings again. Life, inside me. It's not that I even want more than two kids. It's just that that choice has been taken away from me. No more embryos, no more babies. I am ever so thankful that I have been given the opportunity to have these 2 girls. The joy that Bella brings us is to much to even try to begin to express in writing. I can only imagine how we will feel with two precious babies. It's hard to fathom. I'm pretty sure it will be beautiful.

Several weeks ago we had Maternity/Family/Bella turns 3 pictures taken. Here is the sneak peek. I can't wait to see the rest!