Richards Reflections

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Diaper Shower


These sweet ladies from church threw me a diaper shower. We got SO MANY diapers! So awesome. Even better is that we got all different sizes. I should have taken a picture of them but I've already stored them in the nursery closet.


We also got some other gifts and gift cards. We have already put the gift cards to good use! We are so thankful to have people in our lives that care about us and are willing to give to us. The quilt under all the gifts is the one my mom made for the baby. I am absolutely in love with how the nursery is coming together. I still have work to do so no pictures yet!


My sweet precious first born has decided that smiling and looking at the camera with Mommy is not such a bad deal after all. I am loving her taking pictures with me. She is sitting in her favorite spot on top of her sister :).



3 generations all looking and smiling. That's actually a hard picture to get with the 3 of us!

I had a great church shower and really appreciate so much all the goodies that we came away with. So thankful to be a part of such a fantastic church family!