Dear Isabella,
Where do I even start? It seems like only yesterday you entered our lives but at the same time I have a hard time remembering what life was like before you. Sure I got more sleep and maybe we had a little more freedom. But I gladly trade those things for you. You are so funny and you know it. You giggle at yourself and watch to make sure we are giggling along with you. Of course we are because we think you are hilarious too. You can be running around like a wild child one minute and then decide you need a kiss or a hug the next. Your kisses are always wet and your hugs often result in you getting distracted by my hair. You like to play with my hair. You have this very high pitched girlie scream that you LOVE. We often tell you to stop. You do it anyway. You are talking like crazy. I couldn't even begin to list all of your words at this point. Some of your favorite things to say are "gonna gonna go owside", "gonna gonna go pool", "gonna gonna go slide", "gonna gonna go ride". For some reason you say gonna twice most times you say it. You are doing a fabulous job of following 2 step directions. I asked you to go get your shoes and put them away and you DID IT!! "I did it!!" you say. My favorite is when you ask for kiss or say "Come on, Mommy" when it's time for bed. You love your daddy so very much. I love to watch you with him. He is the best daddy. You have such a sweet spirit and a funny little personality.
I love you so much and with every passing day I think I love you more. We prayed for you for so long and now you have blessed us for 2 whole years. You made the heartache of trying to get you here worth it and better yet you have made it go away. I would go through it all over again for you, that's how much I love you.
Love, Mommy
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