Richards Reflections

Friday, October 21, 2011

Petting Zoo at FCS

I have LOVED playing the role of stay at home mom these last few months. I took advantage this last week and went to visit Bella at school. They have been studying about Noah and his Ark so they had an in house field trip from a petting zoo. Bella was beyond excited that I was there. She even got me a carpet square to sit on next to her. I really loved getting to see her in that environment. I feel like I miss so much being at work. She just wanted me to follow her around the whole time showing me the animals, her classroom, and the playground. I asked her if she wanted to leave with me or if she wanted to stay at school. She wanted me to stay at school with her. HA! She did finally leave with me. It made me so happy that she was so excited to have me and Brynlee at school with her!





Bella's teacher was not there so these are her aftercare teachers.
