Richards Reflections

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

We didn't do much for the 4th this year. We were headed down to Kemah but the traffic was terrible so we turned around and ended up eating at this little Italian Bistro that we had never seen before. Good thing we tried it because it was delicious. As we were driving back home we could see fireworks all around us. We ended up stopping and getting out very close to our house and watching some of them. Bella was hungry and tired and there were mosquitoes so we went on to the house.

Thank you Aunt Angie for the bib!!!


Stacy said...

We sit in the Home Depot/Target parking lot down near 146 each year and tailgate. You can see the Clear Lake and Kemah fireworks pretty good from there, and a few other cities, too, that we haven't figured out.