Richards Reflections

Sunday, February 24, 2008

27 Weeks

WOW!! I am actually posting belly pics within 2 weeks of each other. I am going to try to stay on top of this as I am growing everyday, at least I feel like it.I feel like my belly button is going to pop any day now. It has been funny to me to watch it stretch. I'm not real sure why I think it's funny but I do and am quite entertained by it (doesn't take much these days).
Our little gift should be about 2lbs and around 14 inches. She sure is feisty for a little thing. Must take after her Mama. It's hard for me to imagine how strong her movements will be in the next couple of months. She about doubles me over sometimes now. And she LOVES to hang out on top of my bladder. I do have to say it has been an awesome experience for me to feel her moving, I could never have imagined just how amazing it is to know that my child is living inside of me. Her daddy is a big fan of feeling her move also. We watched a movie last night and he had his hand on my belly almost the whole movie and she moved around all that time. She seems to be on some kind of schedule now. I feel her move a lot more during the day now and a WHOLE lot in the early to late evening. She has yet to wake me up, don't worry I'm not counting on that lasting. I do wake up but it is because the bathroom is calling my name, I'm sweating (so gross), acid reflux is rearing it's ugly head or my back feels as though it may explode. AWWW I love being pregnant. No, I really do, there is no sarcasm in that at all. After what we have been through, I couldn't have asked for an easier pregnancy. I had always assumed mine would be like my mom's. Hers were awful. She threw up all the time. YUCK!! But this truly has been an awesome experience. Don't get me wrong, I do get uncomfortable sometimes, but it will all be worth it when we see our Bella for the first time!!!


Anonymous said...

You look great! Hopefully we can plan a new weekend to visit. I can't wait to see the room. I like the colors!!!