Richards Reflections

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Belly Pics - 25 weeks

Ok- so I'm lacking one day of being 25 weeks but I'm just going to go ahead and call it that. Terry took these pictures in our awesome backyard. Yes, I should be inside getting things put together so I can post the after pics, BUT the day is far too beautiful to stay inside.

Bella is a very active little girl. She is getting big enough and aggresive enough in her movements that I can watch her change the shape of my belly. This morning I was reading a magazine and I had it resting on my belly, the magazine kept jumping because she was moving around so much. It is pretty neat!


Kelly & Robby said...

Hey Emily,
Everything looks great! I want to come by again and see. Lets meet for dinner one night when you're not too busy.