Richards Reflections

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Well I am being weaned off of all my meds. YEAH!!! I stopped taking the Lovenox shots last week. So the bruises are now gone. Next week I will take my last intramuscular Progesterone shot. I'm so excited to finally be getting off of all of this medicine.

I can't believe I am already nearing the end of the first trimester. I'm still feeling good for the most part. There are still some bouts of nausea but still no vomiting. I feel like a very lucky girl!!!

Terry is giving the baby "talks" pretty often. He keeps talking to it like it's a boy. I keep telling him he is going to have to start all over with those talks if we find out it is a girl. I think he is just doing it to irritate me. He is so sweet! I don't want to get my hopes up either way, I just want a healthy baby. And I am clueless as to what I think it is. I go back and forth with it. Hopefully I will find out on Monday when we will get to find out what it is. I'm ready to start buying gender specific items. Terry is ready to start buying shin guards and cleats :)