Richards Reflections

Sunday, September 9, 2007

FET #2

Well this last week we had our second frozen embryo transfer. As far as we know everything went well. Dr. S actually ended up putting 4 embryos back. I say "back" which means back in my uterus where they belong. One of the little guys didn't look all that great so she decided it would be safe to put it back instead of just wasting it. Gotta give the little thing a fighting chance I guess. Two of them looked really good, one mediocre, and the last not so good. We are hopeful at this point, but in all honesty we aren't really giving it much thought. We have some serious defense mechanisms working right now. I actually feel pretty disassociated from all of it. On the way there I told Terry it didn't feel like we were going to the doctor's office, he said "I know, I feel like we are going to breakfast". We haven't really talked about it much this time. Not necessarily because we don't want to, but we just aren't really thinking about it. We are just taking it one day at a time. I am however happy to report that Terry did get his shoe covers on correctly this time around. I of course had to make fun of him about it, but he did it. I did get acupuncture, which I LOVE!! I went in a couple of weeks before the procedure to do a trial run. It was so relaxing I almost fell asleep. Dr. G met us a Dr. S's office and did acupuncture before and after the transfer. So if anyone is considering it for any reason, I say try it!!!

Anyway, we are doing well. Thank goodness for being back at work and extremely busy. Keep the prayers coming. Love you all!!