Richards Reflections

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Pregnancy Test

Negative......Yes we are grieving, but we will be ok. Today is not a good day for us but hopefully tomorrow will be better. We ask that you all please let us grieve and give us a chance to recover. We don't know why or what went wrong but for whatever reason we are not there yet. This is a long road and we are doing our best to stay positive and keep faith that we will make it through. Thank you for your prayers and words of encouragement throughout this process. We will be planning a new course of action Monday with the Dr. We ask you you all continue to pray for us and understand that we may not want to answer a lot of questions but we will do our best. For now this just SUCKS!!!!!!!!!

Emily is taking the day off from writing so this was posted by Terry..


Anonymous said...

Thinking about you and praying for you.