Richards Reflections

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Tiffany Comes for a Visit

This past weekend my cousin Tiffany came for a visit. We had a great time visiting, shopping, and we even took her to a DYNAMO game. I even let her borrow a shirt so she could pretend she was an ol'timmer. All the gang was there of course. We tied the game 1-1. It's not a win but we still had a great time. Yes, Tiff and I had on matching shorts. We can blame this on Mema. Somehow we have carried this childhood matching "thing" into adulthood :)
We were lucky enough to grab the mascot Diesel and take a picture with him.

And last but not least Tiffany jumping. She wanted an action shot and she got it.

Disclaimer: The taking of this picture did involve several failed shots. We discovered she isn't very good at jumping.

HAHA love you Tiffany!!!!