Richards Reflections

Monday, April 20, 2009

11 Months

Wow!! The last two weeks we have seen some MAJOR changes in this little person. She started crawling on Sunday night two weeks ago and we have seen lots of development in her gross motor skills. She is moving all the time now and always seems to have a purpose as to where she is headed. It has been so much fun to watch her learn and experience new things. She is standing on her own very well and cruising around ALL the furniture. She also loves to push around her stroller push toy. She is turning into a little girl right before my eyes!! Along with this newly found independence she has decided she is not really a fan of looking at the camera. It is KILLING me!! This month when we did her pictures she was much more interested in her sign and trying to (and succeeding at) diving off the chair. Oh my!
"I think I'll just eat the sign, I'm pretty sure Daddy just throws them away anyway."

"No more pictures, Mama!"

"I really want that sign back. It tasted so good!"

"Don't worry sign, I'll save you!" This is where she did jump off the chair and this mama did not catch her :(

"I'm just gonna stand here and clap and look pretty."