Richards Reflections

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Bittersweet Goodbye!!

Well today we had our last appointment with Dr. Schnell. This whole experience has been so crazy that it was sad to leave. Dr. S gave me a hug before we left and it took everything in me not to start crying. She has given us such a gift and I could never thank her enough for what she has done for us. Everyone in that office has been so helpful and patient with us that we couldn't have asked for a better situation.

Onto funner things. We had our 10 week ultrasound today. The baby looks perfect. It was moving all over the place. One time it looked like it literally ran and hid from the ultrasound. The baby is about 1.5 inches long. At one point it had it's little arm over it's eyes. We saw both lobes of the brain and it's arms and legs and I even made out a tiny foot. She was even able to go ahead and do a Nuchal translucency test. This test uses ultrasound to measure the clear space in the folds of tissue behind a developing baby's neck. It needed to be less than 3 mm and it was a little over 1mm. This test is a screening for Down Syndrome so that is one thing we are for sure in the clear on. It was very exciting seeing our precious little child actually looking like a baby. Please continue to pray that everything stays on track and progresses as it should. Here's our little one.
Lori- Heart rate was 164 bpm. Are you so sure about the sex now??? I'm stumped!

Also whoever it was that left me a comment on my technical difficulties post.....reveal yourself. You forgot to leave your name. I LOVE comments but I like to know who they are from :)


amanda and austin said...

Emily that heart rate makes me think maybe girl! My girls were both always in the 160s... Funny you mentioned heart rate and sex because there has been much discussion around here this week on the topic... I had a dr. appointment this week and this baby is in the 140s so now I am thinking maybe boy here!