Richards Reflections

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I know.....I'm a SLACKER!!

Since I have received several phone calls and messages reprimanding me for not updating my blog I figure it probably is time to do just that. I will say that I am still working on my blog from the river trip. It has taken me forever to upload all the pictures. So that means that when I finally do finish it the date on it will be July 9th because that was when I started it. I also must not lie.....I have been quite lazy the last couple of weeks and you will not hear me apologize for that :)

So here goes on the Frozen Embryo Transfer update.....

I started Lupron on July 1st. Had a few mood swings but nothing horrible. (Terry may have a different story). I hadn't really had any major hot flashes until night before last. That was AWFUL!!! I woke up dripping wet at about 3 o'clock in the morning. I literally had to take a sponge bath. BUT as of tomorrow NO MORE LUPRON!!! Well hopefully. I went to the doctor this morning and my uterus of course is beautiful. The lining is perfect so depending on my estrogen level I will be off of the Lupron as of tomorrow. I should get a call in the next couple of hours about my blood work. So that puts those little embies back in my beautifully perfect uterus on July 24th at 8 a.m. Then bed rest until July 26th. I'm recruiting visitors as I will probably be bored and I need conversation to occupy me so I won't stress out thinking about what is going on inside my body. So if you are not busy on July 24th - July 26th I won't be either. Although I will say that on the 24th I will probably be a little out of sorts because they will give me vallium before the transfer to make sure I am completely relaxed. I will probably sleep a lot that day BUT the next two days.. come on by!!! So that is pretty much all I have right now. Just say some prayers for us over the next several days as the countdown has begun!!