Richards Reflections

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Antique Show

My parents recently bought a new travel trailer. Lucky for us they let us stay with then in when we went to Warrenton for the Antiques show this Spring. Dad says we can borrow the trailer anytime, we just can't borrow his truck. I wonder what he will say about borrowing the trailer if we ever get a truck big enough to pull it? HA!

We had a great spot and thoroughly enjoyed our time at the antique show this time. It was so much more relaxed actually staying on the grounds. We shopped for a while, ate lunch, rested, and shopped some more. We also did some exploring this time. The area up there is beautiful! We have been making this trip for 2 years now and look forward to it so much. It looks like Baby Sister will be making her first trip up there in October for the next show.


During our exploring time we ran across this field of bluebonnets. You can't live in Texas and not take some bluebonnet pictures. It's just something that is expected! And of course we want to be good Texans!


I'm pretty sure she is the most gorgeous little girl I have ever seen! I love her so much!

This was what the front door of the trailer opened up too! We had our own little pond and a great breeze. Dad tried to reserve the same spot for October but had a hard time getting confirmation. I guess you have to share the spot with others. I say, you snooze, you lose!

We had another great trip to Warrenton and I'm excited about October!