Richards Reflections

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Ok, so I was really hoping that this weekend our Bella would be such luck as of 6:30 Sunday evening. But that doesn't mean we aren't prepared and ready to go. The bags are packed, the coming home outfit is ready and the car seat is in the truck. Let's get this show on the road baby girl.

Mom tried really hard on Saturday to walk the baby out of me. We shopped for hours. Then I ate some pineapples (they say that is suppose to help) but I still have a baby in my belly. Can I make it 2 more weeks? I really hope I don't have too. On top of the fact that I am 80% effaced and 1-2 cm dilated, I also lost my plug last week. I have heard that most people will go into labor within a week after that happens. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!! I want to see your face Bella!!!

Mommy's bag

Isabella's bag

Bella's coming home outfit

The car seat is ready to go!!

Let's go girl!!