39 weeks. This picture was taken the day before I went into labor.
As most of you know by now our little angel has made it into this world. On Monday night at about 10:00 I was standing in the bathroom looking at my stomach and noticed it looked really weird. I mentioned this to Terry and he agreed. Then, even though I had just gone, I decided I needed to use the bathroom AGAIN!! As I was sitting down I asked Terry if he had packed his bag for the hospital yet. Of course his answer is NO. For some reason he got up out of bed and came into the bathroom and I realized I was STILL going to the bathroom. Thinking this was odd I told Terry that I thought my water had broken because I COULDN'T STOP going to the bathroom. Then we both started laughing. Great response to your water breaking, but how we handle most things. So I called the doctor and we headed to the hospital. We got there at about 11:00 pm. I was still feeling fine at this point (aside from the ever flowing amniotic fluid that I had draining from my body.) My water ran and ran and ran and ran. I got dressed in the beautiful hospital gown and settled in to have this little munchkin.
I faded in and out for a while because it was past my bedtime. Mom and Dad came up and stayed with us the entire night. Mom never went to sleep!! I started finally feeling contractions around 4:00 am and I must reveal that some of the facts are a little blury to me so some of this may not be 100% accurate. Mom, you can correct me in the comment section. I was dilated to about a 3-4. At about 5:00 am I made it to a 4 and was able to go ahead and get the epidural. Before all of that I was given a shot of Phenergan and Stadol. Anyway I continued to progress on my own until about 8:00am, I had made it to a 7 and pretty much quit moving for the next couple of hours so they finally had to give me pitocin. That got me moving again and at about11:45 it was time to start pushing. Mom and Terry stayed in the room with me. Terry was very encouraging and talked to me through the whole thing. Mom rubbed my foot, which was nice in between contractions. I seriously don't think I've ever worked so hard in my life. I was so relieved when Dr. Phillips finally came in because I knew it was nearing the end. She ended up having to use the vacuum to help me get her out.I pushed for 2 hours and 45 min. I must say I was pretty good to go for the first hour but was completely worn out in the second. Isabella Grace Richards was born at 2:08 pm on May 20, 2008 weighing in at 7 lbs 4.9 ozs and measuring 19 inces long. She is the most beautiful little thing I have ever seen. We are so in love with her that we don't know what to do with ourselves.
7 lbs 4.9 ozsDaddy holding his girl for the first time.
Our new family!!!
Getting kisses. She gets lots of those.
Dr. Phillips checking out the most beautiful girl she has ever delivered.
Auntie Inki
I have a horrible look on my face!!
Great Mema
Auntie Inki and Laura. Both friends from high school and both my bridesmaids.
Getting her first check-up with Dr. Quillin
Courtney and Isabella
With cousins Courtney and Ryan
She is absolutely beautiful! I had no idea that you had already had her. I know that you are so excited. Glad to hear that everything went well. I'll call you when you have had some time to rest. Love ya!
She is perfect and so beautiful!
I cannot wait to meet her.
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