Richards Reflections

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Brynlee is 8 months


Dear Brynlee,

You are such a ray of sunshine in our lives. In the short amount of time you have been in our lives you have managed to wrap us around your finger. You have an unbelievable way of communicating with us exactly what you are wanting. Your eyes, body language, and cries tell us who you want or what you want. You still really like Mommy. I like you alot too. You have become more mobile this month. Not quite crawling on all fours but you are bear crawling and getting what you want. You are pulling up and cruising the furniture. YIKES! You much prefer to be standing up and cruising around the ottoman or couch. I keep thinking you are just going to start walking. It's hard to believe that in no time you will be completely mobile. You have NO fear and quite frankly that scares me to death. You love your big sister and you really love her toys. You are eating well. You like pears, applesauce, bananas, and carrots. You also like to eat puffs and mum mums. You started going to Sunday School. I hear you are a great listener. You are still nursing twice a day and Mommy cherishes that time with you even if you decide to eat in the middle of the night. It really does make me sad to think about you stopping all together. You are still toothless but your hair is starting to come back. It looks like it has some auburn in it. You are still wearing a size 2 diaper and we can still overlap the tabs. You are wearing 6 month clothes. You are so precious and sweet and we love you to the moon and back, sweet Brynlee Mae.

Love, Mommy




evidence of your no fear. good thing daddy was there to catch you. silly girl!