Richards Reflections

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Malone Family Reunion

We had our Malone family reunion, which is my Dad's Mom's side of the family. We do this every 2 years and we all meet in Dallas. This year there were 119 people in attendance. My grandmother is 1 of 9 children. That brings about a pretty big family.


My Mema (far left) with her sister and all her brothers. They lost one sister many years ago in a car wreck. This group is very close to each other. Those great uncles of mine are all pretty funny too! I always enjoy getting to see everyone.


Generation number 2 consists of 28 first cousins. There are 21 in the picture. Not bad that only 7 of them missed the reunion. Alaska is kinda far away! My dad is one of the oldest (far right).


Generation number 3. This is where I fall. I know there were quite a bit of us missing because there are way more cousins than this. At one point I think there were about 64 of us. I have no idea what this number is now. Myself and all but one of my first cousins are on the far left side.


Generation number 4. It's hard to believe there are already that many (and more) great grandchildren. Our crew is once again on the left side. I'm not sure how that happened in all the generation pictures but we all ended up on the left side. I have no idea how many there are in this generation. I do know that 2 more are on the way!

We had a great time in Dallas. The trip was a little hard on my pregnant body but it was worth it. It will be 2 more years before we see all the extended family again!