Richards Reflections

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Not for WEAK stomachs!!!

So I experienced what I believe is the funniest parent moment yet. Quite often when Terry discovers that Bella has a dirty diaper he tells me that he may need some help because he always believes it is going to be the worst dirty diaper yet. So he expresses his concern and heads upstairs to change her diaper. I tell him I will be there in a second, pretty much blowing him off because he can handle it, right?!? Anyway he starts yelling that this really is the worst and he desperately needs my help. I'm still thinking he is exaggerating and I linger on the computer a little longer. He continues to yell that he REALLY needs my help so I decide I should probably go see what the hooplah is all about. When I walk into her bedroom I am faced with the WORST dirty diaper situation we have faced yet and all I could do was laugh hysterically. I mean I about started crying I was laughing so hard. There was poop EVERYWHERE!!! And the best part was that she could have cared less. I of course ran out of the room to get the camera because it was a Cannon Rebel moment. How they (Bella and Daddy) managed to get poop in her hair....I'll never know. Needless to say, Mommy came to the rescue and we got the girl all cleaned up. Oh and discovered we are allergic to milk, hence the really bad diarrhea. Now that 's what you call a poopie diaper!!