Richards Reflections

Monday, May 21, 2012

A "Jump" Party for Isabella

We have been to several "jump" parties lately.  The first one Bella was scared to death.  She is not a fan of loud noises (unless she is the one making them) so the generators that run the blow up jumpers freak her out.   But after we were at the first party for a little bit she decided to venture out and play.  She had a blast after it was all said and done.  Then Ryan had a jump party.  Again she didn't like the noise but settled in to play a little quicker.  Then it was time to plan her party and she decided she wanted a jump party herself.  I was a little apprehensive about it but she had a blast.  She did have to take a few minutes to get use to the noise but she had so much fun.

It ended up being a small party.  May seems to be busy for everyone!  She really could have cared less because some of her favorite friends and cousins were there and that was all that mattered to her.





Gotta love technology!  Dad skyed in Mema and Papa so they were able to celebrate with us all the way from Dallas.


I wonder what she wished for!





We are 4!


Isabella and her friends!


Isabella and Colt



So glad you had a fun party, Isabella!  We love you!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Brynlee is 10 Months


Dear Bryners,

You are growing up so fast it is hurting Mommy's heart a little bit.  You are still sweet as ever and so friendly.  Your personality is coming out more and more.  You have 2 teeth with two more about to pop through.  You are still so tiny, wearing 6 month clothes and size 2 diapers.  You stopped nursing this month.  It broke my heart but you were ready.  You actually bit me and that was the end of that.  You are still not back to sleeping through the night and have now taken up residence full time in Mommy and Daddy's bed.  That's what Mommy gets for using that "never" word.  I really tried to make you sleep in your bed but we need sleep too.  Oh well.  You are all over the place in this house and enjoy playing with your sister (when she will let you) and your puppy.  You started talking this month.  You are already saying "uh-oh", "da-da", "ma-ma", "bye-bye", and "na-na" or "ni-ni".  You love to wave bye-bye.  You are holding your own bottle and eating pretty well.  You have had your first "real" food, mashed potatoes and lady finger cream peas.  Papa Griff would be proud.  Nana and Mommy were for sure.

I love you more than you will ever know.  You are such a little sweet pea.  I love your sweet slobbery kisses and your poopy diapers.  I just love you.




sad monkey girl....

Happy 4th Birthday, Isabella!!

Dear Isabella,
    It is so hard to believe you have blessed our lives for 4 whole years.  You drive us batty and then turn around and crack us up on a daily basis.  You can be a sass and then turn around and be so loving and sweet.  You always seem to know when to give out the "I love you's" and "Mommy, you are so beautiful's".  You love school and dance and always get rave reviews about your behavior.  I wish we could say the same about the behavior at home.  We are working on it :).  Though, I am grateful that you are always on your best behavior when we aren't around.  I always say, I'd rather you act a fool with us than others.  You are still working on your relationship with your sister.  She loves you with all her heart and I really do think the feeling is mutual, you just have a little more trouble showing it sometimes.  You do have some super sweet moments with her, though.  You love to "carry" her and kiss her and hug her.  This year has seen a lot of changes for you with her entering our lives and some of it has been hard but for the most part you have adjusted well.  The most hilarious things come out of your mouth.  I never know what you are going to say but you often make us laugh.  You are doing well in school.  Our end of the year conference showed that you are better at math than reading.  I found that very interesting.  Nothing like Mommy or Daddy on that front.  You still love your Barbie's the most when it comes to your toys.  But more importantly they are the Disney princess Barbies.  Princesses and Barbies, what more could a girl ask for.  Well maybe princess dress-up, you love that too!  You love to sing.  And I mean REALLY love to sing.  I love to listen to you sing.  I'm often very impressed with the way you can carry a tune and even more impressed when you harmonize.  You know the words to most songs on the radio and all the songs on your ipod.  We have a lot of dance parties at your request and we all dance our hearts out.  You give the best kisses and hugs and luckily you give them out a whole lot freer than you use too.

Isabella, you are precious in every way and I love you more than you will ever know.  I am so lucky to be your mommy and love watching you learn and grow.  You are my sunshine.........  I love you, Mommy


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Last Soccer Game

Bella ended her soccer season on a much better note than she started.  Well she actually started our ok, it was the middle of the season when things feel apart but things did get better.  Thank goodness.  Once Daddy stepped off the field she seemed to do much better.  As long as he wasn't holding any other little girls' hand things were much better in Bella's world.




As long as she was doing the hand holding, all was right in her world.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day


This was my first Mother's Day as a mommy of 2.  I'm so proud to be the mommy of these two perfect little girls.  I am so in love with these two little people that I'm pretty sure my heart just might explode.  They are so precious and so much fun.  They make everyday fun and interesting.  I am so thankful and so unbelievably blessed!