Richards Reflections

Friday, September 2, 2011

Happy 11th Anniversary

My how life has changed in the last 11 years. We were once carefree and on the go. Now we are parents of 2 beautiful girls and that really changes just about everything. I know I say this every year on our anniversary blog but I truly couldn't ask for a better partner in this crazy race we call live. Terry is so supportive of me and our babies. He works hard to provide for our family and spoils all of us girls completely rotten. I admit, I don't tell him often enough how much I appreciate what he does for us. But there is no way I would ever want to do this without him. My dad recently reminded me of a conversation he and I had when Terry and I were dating. I was getting ready to head back to school from a weekend at home and Dad said, "I just want to know one thing. Will he make a good dad?" My answer, "Absolutely!". All those years ago I knew what he was capable of. The proof is in how much our oldest daughter adores him. Her world revolves around her daddy. I'm sure baby sister will follow in her big sister's footsteps. I love you, Terry! Thank you for all you do for us!