Richards Reflections

Monday, January 18, 2010

Children's Museum

On the last Saturday of our Christmas Break we took Bella to the Children's Museum. We had not taken her before and she had a GREAT time. It was so fun to take my own child. My grandparents took me there as a child and it was one of my favorite places to go when we visited them.... well until one time when they took my cousins and their car got stolen....but that was a LONG time ago. Anyway my favorite part was always the grocery store. Now there is a whole little town. I can't wait til she is old enough to enjoy that part of the museum. It's possible that I will have more fun than her......true story.

This was the 1st and only time I have seen her slide down a slide on her bottom. She normally lies down and slides down on her back. Silly girl.

We spent most of our time upstairs in the tot area. It was perfect for her. There was so much for her to explore and look at and touch. I still can't wait for her to play in the grocery store, and the vet, and the bank, and the.........{insert squeals here} it's going to be so much FUN!!!

This cracks me up. Not because she is standing in a hole but because her jeans were HUGE!! Poor little thing.

I'm pretty sure this was her favorite part....the light switch. Their were several around the area for the kids to play with. It's possible that Bella had a slight dominance problem over the other kids around the light switches. It is also possible that we had to make her move 692 times so that other kids could play with the light switch.

Terry thought my booties were funny so he took a picture. Cute.

This was our last adventure over the break. Granted that was 2 weeks ago so I am behind again. I must have gone back to work....yep that's got to be the reason I'm behind.


cmhouston said...

Hello Emily!
Thank you for sharing your fun times at the Children's Museum of Houston.
We’d like to invite you to post your photos to our Flickr group page:
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Thanks for visiting us and we hope you to see you soon!
Can your mind come out to play?
The Children's Museum of Houston