Richards Reflections

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Playhouse......Not so much!!!!

Sunday when we got to my parents house after church, this is what we found. A HUGE tree had fallen on the playhouse that the guys worked so hard on the previous weekend. It was truly heartbreaking. My dad was pretty devastated. He just kept walking around it and staring. They worked so hard and all that work was a mess after the tree got through with it. We are just thankful that it didn't happen while Courtney was playing on it or while anyone was working on it.


amanda and austin said...

Wow! You are right... thank God no one was playing or working on it! I just got your post from last Jan. requesting an update (Ihad not been on my blog in a very long time!)... I am going to try the blog thing again so check back soon for that long ago requested update! I love seeing Bella by the way!