Richards Reflections

Sunday, April 22, 2007

This should be interesting.......

Well, you are probably all wondering why I invited you here. So here goes. Terry and I have some news we would like to share and we figured what better way to tell most of you at the same time than through a blog. First of all, NO I'm not pregnant, but that has everything to do with what we are announcing (so to speak). Some of you may not know that we have been trying to get pregnant on and off for the last 6 years. Of course with both of us in school for the past couple of years it wasn't the most optimal time for us to have a baby. So I justified not getting pregnant by thinking it wasn't the right time anyway. In the back of my mind there was always the thought that we wouldn't be able to do this the "natural" way. Soooooooo in December my suspicions were confirmed. We will be doing In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) in the near future. I am very aware that you probably all have many questions, but because of the personal nature of this situation, there will be some questions that we won't be willing to answer. The purpose of this blog is to answer as many questions as possible with out having to be questioned. I (or we) will update this blog as often as time permits and as we get news. We are pretty overwhelmed by all of this right now. I tend to worry more than Terry. My biggest worry is that it won't work. But, there is nothing to indicate that it won't. All signs point to YES at this time. Our prayer at this time is that God is ready for us to be parents. We are so ready. Here is the website for our doctor just in case you want to take a look. maybe that can help answer some questions.

It has been absolutely wonderful the past 6 and a half years on our own. We were able to do things that we would not have been able to do if we had had a family. So in many ways I think this is a blessing. It will be even more of a blessing if it works.

At this time we just ask for your prayers that this will work for us. WE LOVE YOU ALL!!!!


Anonymous said...

We support you 100%! Please keep us updated. We wish you the best of luck with all of this.

Anonymous said...

I know all this will work, it will work out so well you guys will end up with twins!!!!!!!!!
You guys are in our prayers and we love you both!
