On Friday we had our nuchal translucency screening. This is a screening done between 11 and 13 weeks to look for Down Syndrome. Everything looked great! At the end the sonographer asked us if we wanted to take a look at the gender. Of course we said yes! As soon as she started looking around the little turkey flipped over facing away from us. The sonographer was doing everything she could to get the baby to turn back into "easy access" position. She was shaking my stomach, making me cough, and turning me on each of my sides. After about a good 10-15 minutes little bit finally decided to show us HER stuff. That is right, another little girl is joining our household. Of course we were told this early it is only 80% accurate but I had a feeling it was a girl all along so we are going with it!
Our newest beauty!
We have been asking Bella if she is going to have a little sister. Her answer is "no". Oh dear! Mom and I went shopping Friday afternoon and bought both girls some clothes. I showed Bella her clothes and showed her baby sister's clothes. She said they were ALL Bella's clothes. Looks like we have some work to do to prepare our big for our little. I did ask her today were her baby sister was and she said, "In Mommy's belly."
Needless to say we are excited to be adding a little more pink to our household!