Richards Reflections

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The gift that keeps on giving...

When I left you last Saturday, I was blogging in a shirt sprinkled in vomit......true story. Things calmed down around here on Saturday night and we were all able to sleep......not true, Terry slept and I had Bella in the bed with me, she slept, I did not. Every time she moved I thought she was going to cover me with her insides. Thank goodness she did not!

Sunday we were all completely worn out. Terry felt better and Bella blessed us with a day of diarrhea. Two things I learned that are not very fun parental responsibilities (1) teaching a toddler to aim in a bowl while throwing up and (2) making sure you change diarrhea diapers before they leak. So we got through Sunday without any major catastrophes. Niki and Chris came over on their own will. We warned them. Crystal and Donald also came over on their on will. We warned them.

Monday morning we woke and Bella had pink eye. REALLY?!?! SERIOUSLY?!?! Vomit and diarrhea aren't enough?!? Now she had gunk oozing out of her eyes.....yes, both of them. We luckily were able to get that under control quickly.

AND NOW it's mama's turn. I had a nice little stomach ache on Monday morning but thought I could tough it out. Not so much. I never threw up, just had......well, you know. We will leave it at that. So I rested Monday afternoon threw my nausea and well, you know. We all went to bed on Monday night and Bella THREW UP AGAIN in the middle of the night. What gives? Luckily is was just once and that was the last time. {fingers crossed}

We got up on Tuesday morning. I had already to stay home because I was still nauseated and scared to death that the dreaded virus was going get me. When I looked at my phone I had a missed call from a number I did not recognize and a text that said This is Chris. Niki is sick. Needs your help. Sorry to wake you. What?!?! (Side note-Niki has moved back to Clear Lake-So Happy to have my BFF back) So I called her immediately and the dreaded virus got her too. We told her not to get to close to Bella.....she didn't listen. Needless to say when Chris couldn't get ahold of us (he lives in Georgetown) Niki called 911. In true Niki fashion, she called 911 because she thought she was dieing. Even funnier 911 didn't go get her and she called them back. They offered to call her a cab. Only Niki could get a cab offer from 911. At least they called her back the next day to make sure she was still alive :). Terry took her some supplies and she made it through. So next time Bella is sick, she will probably make sure she does not get anywhere near us.

Then later on Tuesday I saw a facebook status from Crystal that said My sweetheart is sick....and he has a fridge full of bullet popsicles to help him feel better. Yep, Donald got it too. We told him not to get to close to Bella. As it turns out she is very irresistible.

(just because I can't post without a picture of the princess)

In other news Bella is cutting her top two eye teeth and it isn't going very well. Poor little boo boo can't catch a break.