Richards Reflections

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Brynlee is 1 month

Can we please stop time?!?!?! This is going by entirely to fast and I want it to slow down!! The past month has been great. We have settled into life as a family of 4 much easier than I anticipated. Isabella is still getting use to her sister but I'm sure that will get better with time. She definitely loves her baby sister she just doesn't always show it in the appropriate manner....she's 3.

Brynlee is still tiny. She still wears newborn diapers and most newborn clothes are still a bit big on her. Forget the 0-3 months; they swallow her! she is still eating like a champ and already mostly sleeping through the night! I'm completely amazed! She likes her paci but can also go without it. She is so sweet and I am soaking in my time with her.




This cracks me up. We really don't see her upset very much but she sure was while taking these pictures!!