Richards Reflections

Monday, July 25, 2011

Going Home

Friday morning Dr. Phillips came to see me and told me we were going home. YEA!! Pretty soon after that we got word that Brynlee was being released as well. YEA again!! I got up and started getting around. Terry and Bella came up to help me get ready. I showered and dressed. Obviously I chose to forgo make-up this whole summer so why start now. Plus I was just ready to go and didn't want to take the time.


Bella was extremely excited about us all going home together. So much so that she nearly gave me a nervous breakdown with all the squeals and running around she was doing. Silly doesn't even begin to describe how she was acting. I was slightly stressed.



She really loves her baby sister. I hope and pray that I do a good job of fostering their relationship into something that makes them best friends.


My beautiful first born that was slightly out of control. Understandably so!


Brynlee all dressed up with a very important place to go, HOME!


Baby girl was discharged weighing a whopping 6lbs 5ozs. She sure is a little thing! Apparently that's how I grow them!

We headed downstairs and to the car. We stopped off at the front desk for a pink cross. The same stop we had made just 3 years earlier with Bella. I must admit I got a little teary thinking back to that and thinking this will be the last time we make this trip. Hormones obviously played a part in that.

We got home and unloaded and our life as a family of 4 officially got under way! It's hard to believe this 2 perfect and beautiful girls are all ours and we get to keep them! My heart is so full.