Richards Reflections

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

32 weeks

How Far Along: 32 weeks
Size of baby: about 16 inches, 3lb 9ozs (as of two weeks ago)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained about 24 lbs (oh lordy!)
Maternity Clothes: I'm growing out of some of my maternity clothes.
Gender: It's a GIRL!
Movement: She is a wiggle worm! I'm pretty sure she moves more than Bella did. We have been watching her move from the outside for a couple of weeks now!
Sleep: I sleep well except for when Bella wakes up in the middle of the night or I have an acid reflux attack. I do not like acid reflux!
What I miss: Sleeping on my back.
Cravings: Chocolate Milkshakes!
Symptoms: I am dead tired!
Best Moment this week: I just love feeling her move!


On May 20th I had an ultrasound to check my placenta previa and it has officially moved! YEA!! This means no scheduled C-Section for me. Baby Girl is growing and looking fantastic! I'll post her 4D pics soon!