Richards Reflections

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

16 weeks

How Far Along: 16 weeks
Size of baby: about 4.5 inches/size of an avocado
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained about 11 lbs (yeah, not good!)
Maternity Clothes: I'm pretty much into maternity clothes now. Definitely in the pans area. Although my favorite pair of jeans still fit with the rubber band trick. I can still wear most of my regular tops but the belly is getting snug!
Gender: It's a GIRL!
Movement: I'm feeling some movement. I really love that part.
Sleep: Getting better if I could just get rid of this cold and keep it gone.
What I miss: Dr. Pepper.....
Cravings: I'm hungry most of the time. I'm finding myself craving dairy. That is the same thing I craved with Bella.
Symptoms: I am dead tired!
Best Moment this week: Felling the baby move and getting to hear the heartbeat at the doctor's appointment on Monday. 154 beats per minute!


Oddly I think I looked bigger in my 12 week picture than I do in this one. Who knows. I must have eaten alot that day.


Melanie Bacom said...

Looking good. I'm glad Terry wouldn't let you go to church since it was canceled. August and those people he lives with will be here this weekend. We may have to meet by email.