Richards Reflections

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

12 weeks

Here we go....pregnancy posts!!

How Far Along: 12 weeks
Size of baby: about 2 inches/size of a lime
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained about 5 lbs
Maternity Clothes: I wear a couple of pairs of smaller maternity pants but everything else is regular.
Gender: I can't wait to find out! I'm happy with a boy or girl!
Movement: I'm not feeling anything yet but at our doctor's appointment we heard the baby kick the doppler when listening to it's heart beat.
Sleep: I wish!
What I miss: Dr. Pepper.....
Cravings: I'm hungry most of the time. I'm finding myself craving dairy. That is the same thing I craved with Bella.
Symptoms: I am dead tired! I was nauseated but that has pretty much gone away in the last week and a half. I'm also having heartburn....woohoo!
Best Moment this week: Hearing the heart beat and the little kick.

(I stole this from another blogger. I'm sure some of you recognize it :)


These pictures are not all that great. I waited to late so the light in the house was yucky and I had just gotten out of the shower. Oh well!

As I'm sure lots of you have already figured out I posted the time line of the beginning of this pregnancy in a link at the top of the page. It is under baby #2. We chose to keep this to ourselves this time because it relieved alot of the pressure we (or I) felt before. We are so thankful that everything worked out for the best and so far everything looks great. We went to the doctor on Monday and baby's heart rate was 155. It had dropped but she said that was no big deal and not to worry. We have an ultrasound scheduled for next Friday for the down syndrome test and several others. We are taking all precautions because we want to be prepared in case something comes up unexpected. We expect everything to be fine.

I am not sleeping very well at all and it is beginning to take a major toll on my already tired body and mind. Last night I was awake from 1-4. Yikes! Bella is sick so I kept hearing her whine plus I just cant get comfortable. Needless to say I finally fell back asleep and my alarm went off. I accidentally hit the off button instead of the snooze button and woke up at 7:25. That would be 5 minutes before I'm suppose to leave!! Good thing it was a jeans day!


Elizabeth said...

Congratulations, Em!! I am so excited for you guys!