Richards Reflections

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Why Dream Ordinary

Last month Terry, Bella and I drove up to Round Top, Texas so that I could do a senior session with my assistant principal's daughter. We had such a fun time up there and I was able to sneak in a few shots of Bella while Maddie was changing.

My little munchkin is growing up so fast. Then sometimes I look at her and she is still a baby. I prefer her stay a baby for a little while longer :). Too bad for me, she will just keep growing up in front of my eyes. She is SO into princesses and SO girly. She loves to dance more and more. Her very favorite song is a hip hop song called "Down". She requests it on a regular basis and dances her little heart out when she hears it play over and over. The first time we realized she loved this song we were listening to music on the tv and this song started. Bella stopped dead in her tracks, drew in a deep breath, and said, "I WUD DOWN, DOWN, DOWN!!". And we "wud" you, baby girl!


I love to listen to her talk. She says the funniest things. There are things that she can say perfectly and others that she adds her 2 year old language too. The other day we had candles burning in the house and she said, "It smells A-MAZING!". She has been using the word "amazing" a lot lately which cracks me up. She has also been know to say to her daddy, "I want Starbucks, now!". Don't worry, he isn't getting her coffee. She has a friend that works there named Walter and he gives her stickers. The funniest part is, she prefers to go inside and will get upset with Daddy if he attempts to go through the drive-thru (Walter gives her stickers in the drive-thru too). On mornings that she isn't requesting Starbucks, she wants a "ko-wach-a-wee" otherwise known as a kolache. This is probably my favorite word that she mispronounces. It is hilarious to hear her request. Needless to say she isn't pronouncing her "L's". No biggie. It makes for some super cute pronunciations.



We found this saying on these steps when we were taking Maddie's pictures. I love it. I want Bella to know this saying and believe in it. Shoot for the stars baby girl!!


Sarah said...

Great shots of your beautiful baby.