Richards Reflections

Saturday, August 28, 2010

First Day of Preschool

Bella had her 2nd annual 1st day of school this week at Friendswood Christian School. This year she is in the Pre-K 2 class with Mrs. Ami. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful program locally that uses Christian principles and is part of the Texas School Ready! project. The school is also located at our church AND I am on the school board. I am so excited to see all the things that are in store for Friendswood Christian School, the staff, and the kiddos this year. There are great things coming and I am so proud to be involved and to have my own child enrolled. Bella was very excited to see her MDO teacher at orientation and insisted (and by insisted, I mean she grabbed Terry by the shorts and drug him) on going in to her room to see her. That kind of thing makes me feel even better as a parent and board member because I know how much the teachers love these kids and vice versa. She had a great first week and even tee-teed on the potty TWICE!! GO MRS. AMI and BELLA!! Now if we can just figure out how to keep that going at home. She did not cry AT ALL this week. That is huge for Bella and makes me feel even better about her being there. Well let's be honest, I totally feel like it's the best place in the area! We love FCS!

Bella with Mrs. Ami and of course Ryan!

Bella had a big day on Monday. First day of school and a new gymnastics class for the Fall. Terry and I still get to participate with her. But we have a new friend in class with us and she just happens to be our cousin. We are so excited that Lexi has joined us at gym. Now we have Kenzie and Lexi. If only Avery was in our class!! Avery is on an older class though.

After class we went out to eat at Pappasito's for Lesli's birthday. I didn't get any pictures of the birthday girl as the 2 little's at the end of the table were hogging the camera time. Go figure!
Anyway you can see these two are hams!!

