Richards Reflections

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Happy Birthday to ME!

So I turned the big double 3. How does this even happen? I still think of myself as a twenty something so I hope that will keep me young. Today a man came to the door and asked me if my dad was home. HA!! Funny enough my mom was here. But I told him I was the owner and he was slightly confused. This thing use to make me mad because it happened all the time. People use to always tell me how much I would appreciate it one day. That would make me even madder. Well, that day has come. I appreciated him thinking I was WAY younger than I am. Of course he was an older gentleman and it's possible that his eyesight was lacking. I choose to believe it was 20/20 thank you very much!

So my birthday came and went. We were worn out after our day at the lake. Terry had the day off since the 4th fell on a Sunday. It's so nice that everybody gets the day off to celebrate my birthday when the 4th falls on a Sunday. I sure do appreciate that! Anyway, we ended up lazing (did I just make that word up?) all day. Quite frankly that is a great way to spend the day as far as I'm concerned.

Terry made plans for my mom to keep Bella the next Saturday night so we could go do something. I decided I would rather her keep her during the day because I really wanted to go shopping in the galleria area. After all we were celebrating MY birthday. This is where things began to get a little hairy. I took it upon myself to ask Mom if we could change the plans and did not like the answer she gave me very much. She said she would have to check with Dad. Really?!?! I didn't recall asking her to keep Bella once this summer so I was a little confused as to why she was putting me off. Needless to say by the time Terry got home I was pretty upset and he LAUGHED at me. I did not see the necessity of that at all. The more he tried to tell me to stay out of it the more suspicious I got. I let it go when once again we had to be at Mom and Dad's by 7:30-8. Why? We never have to be on a timeline schedule. Then I heard him on the phone to Niki and when I heard her ask him if he was on speaker I really knew something was up. Needless to say there had been a plan in place for about 3 months. Don't worry Mom, I get it. I'll let it slide this time :).

When we got back to Mom and Dad's to "pick" up Bella, my brother was there and I saw Niki's car parked down the street. We walked in and I expected to see them but was shocked when I saw my cousin Tiffany that lives in Dallas and our friends Laura and Craig. Niki had thrown me a "Glee" surprise party!

I did not do a good job of taking pictures but there were costumes involved in this. The following were in attendance: Puck, Coach Sylvester, Finn, Quinn, and Tina.

The sweet Douglas family showed up too! They are on my favorites list. Like at the top! This is baby Garrett. We have been saying lots of prayers for this little guy. He has Spina Bifida and that is a shunt you see on his head. He is doing AWESOME and his physical therapist says he is AHEAD developmentally. God sure is working miracles on this little guy. He is so precious and sweet and I sure did enjoy snuggling with him for awhile. You can read about his story here. Adam has done an awesome job of keeping everybody updated on their strong boy!

Tiffany came all the way from Dallas.
She is good like that!

Little man

Avery and Bella. Bella had seen Avery the night before because we had gone over to their house to hang out. She was SO excited to see Avery 2 nights in row. I was cracking up. Avery is Garrett's big sister and she is perfect in that role. Such a sweet girl!

Niki decorated my cake. Here she is dressed as Coach Sylvester! That silly BFF of mine did a great job and I'm so thankful to have her in my life. I'm even more thankful that she has moved back to our area and that she got a job in the same town as me! I love you, Inki!

The Douglas Family!

Quinn, Finn, Me, and Tina...... I mean Kenzie, Craig, Me, and Laura!
Sweet friends and I am so glad they came to celebrate with us. Laura and I have been friends since 8th grade. That's a long time. I'm so grateful she is still in my life. Love her!

My two precious friends!

Tiffany borrowed one of Tina's blue hair extensions!

Thanks for the surprise guys. Ya'll are awesome!

Disclaimer: before I get any phone calls, I am very aware that there were some friends left off the invite list. It is my understanding that my husband may have to take some of the blame for this. Apparently he was pretty busy at work (read: sarcasm). I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure this should lead to a night out with said people (read: very serious). Just sayin'.